What is the origin of the Seder and the Haggadah?

  • Опубликовано: 13 апр 2019
  • What is the origin of the Seder and the Haggadah?
    Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, discusses the connection between the rituals of the ancient Greek symposium and many of the Seder rituals. Jewish communities throughout the generations did not live in vacuums; they absorbed much from their surroundings. Yet they did not absorb other people's traditions indiscriminately. What can we learn from all these parallels?
    Read the accompanying article here bit.ly/2IkXoeW

Комментарии • 11

  • @mustaffa1611
    @mustaffa1611 Год назад +14

    If it is not Biblical then why would anyone want to do this? Why not just do what the Bible says and cook Lamb over fire and eat unleavened bread with bitter herbs? Isn't the whole point of getting the leaven out of your house to symbolize getting the pagan customs out of YHWH's designated Holy days and the Word?

  • @John-xu3jk
    @John-xu3jk Год назад +5

    ...so Deuteronomy 12:30 is invalid, a waste of ink ?

  • @Powerful9315
    @Powerful9315 Год назад

    Thank you so much for TEACHING TRUTH! A huge thank you from Atlanta, Georgia

  • @blaisesprowl8276
    @blaisesprowl8276 Год назад +1

    Hello Rabbi David Golinkin. Can you tell me the name of the book with the illustration you hold up please?

  • @ChixieMary
    @ChixieMary Год назад +3

    I'm trying to figure out why evangelical Christians think Jesus "Last Supper" was a Seder.

    • @jamesmunn8144
      @jamesmunn8144 Год назад

      This is the best explanation I found. ruclips.net/video/VAm1MlB-cV0/видео.html

    • @BeautiFuFu
      @BeautiFuFu 9 месяцев назад +2

      The last supper was not a "seder" it was Passover Dinner. Passover dinner was changed to "Seder" via Talmudic (not scripture, its rabbinic interpretation of scripture) Jewish traditions and he's explained how in the video. Yeshua (Jesus) asked his disciples to prepare for the passover dinner so he can eat it with them before his crucifixion. (Matthew 26:17-28, Mark 14:12-14, Luke 22:15, John 13: 1-3), The catholic church changed and renamed it to "last supper", and created the holiday "easter" which is rooted in non-Biblical worship of other deities (along with pretty much everything else of the church). Doing this effectively removed the Hebrew context of the death of Christ. the first "Christians" were believers that practiced the law of Moses (because He did not come to abolish but to fulfill). The Catholic church persecuted these people and eventually came to the conclusion, "if you can't beat them join them". Thus they created a new belief that eliminated the emphasis on God's law using Paul (not Christ) as their divine authority, and they persecuted believers that followed the law calling them "Judiazers". Peter said this would happen and its still happening (2 Peter 3: 15-18). Gods law makes no room for mixing pagan practices (aka syncretism), and thats essentially what was the MO of the Catholic church. They wanted to keep their rooted pagan practices, but on the surface claim Christ as their savior. So the day to "worship" the "Sun" (Not THE SON) became "Sunday", yule became chirstmas, weeping for tammuz became lent, and ishtar spring worship became easter, etc. Because doing such is strictly forbidden by God's law, their main goal was to separate from Mosaic law as much as possible while still claiming to believe the God of the Hebrew bible. And to understand christianity, it can be described as: the Protestant Church is the rebellious child of the Catholic church, that separated from Roman Catholicism during the protestant reformation but kept all the syncretic practices. In other words, they didn't like their mothers rules so they ran away, but they were raised to finish their peas, so they still eat all their peas. *VERY LONGWINDED EXPLANATION* but yea thats pretty much it. Yeshua (Jesus) was a Hebrew man who celebrated Passover, and was still doing so with his followers, and never said that they should stop, or that those that believe in him should not celebrate it (Galatians 3:28-29) . We have one sect of belief that claims belief in Jesus, but has removed him from his true Hebraic context and made up their own context for him by mixing in the practices of their roman gods. And you have another sect of belief that doesn't believe in Jesus, but also does the same mixing of pagan practices into their worship of God even though the Almighty as specifically asked everyone not to do that (Deuteronomy 12:4 and 12: 30-31 - by the way its part of the Hebrew Torah aka the the actual scripture thats supposed to be followed). The result of this disobedience is the root of why questions like yours happen so often. The prayer is for everyone to understand the blessing of Yeshua as our salvation, and find the spirit to get back to doing what was actually instructed to do. Let go of the Leaven (the Hebrew context for this statement that was made referring to the unleavened bread of the Passover Feast, a Feast where a sacrifice is made to cover the people from destruction. Aka Jesus was unblemished, meaning no sin aka no leaven. Sin = not following the law, so he followed every single law. He tells his disciples during Passover dinner to "eat this", this = unleavened bread that they ate during passover (lol the painting is wrong, but guess who painted it), "eat this in remembrance of me". The unleavened, sinless, sacrificial lab of God who's blood covers us so that final death will passover us. Yeshua (Jesus) the passover lamb sacrificed during passover to cover the world from the destruction of sin (John 1:29) if they *believe and turn away from sin aka lawlessness*) In the Hebrew scripture (Tanakh and Torah), and to Christians the Old testament (I personally think its better referred to as the first or early testament), Passover started when the children of Israel had to sacrifice an unblemished lamb, and put the blood over their doors so that the angel of death would *passover* them when it came through Egypt to kill the first born sons. It was a shadow of whats to come, and what was meant by "I didn't come to abolish but to fulfill". Meaning, we would see the fullness of what was given in the earlier testament in Jesus, not that he would get rid of the earlier testament. Removing the leaven (aka sin) of the Pharisees, was to remove the sin of false, confusing, and overbearing man made doctrines that was lifted above the word of God. The same traditions and man made doctrines that are the basis of both sects of faith today. The man made laws, was what Christ fought and debated, never the words of our Father (Mark 7: 10-13). 😮‍💨🤗

    • @ChixieMary
      @ChixieMary 9 месяцев назад +1

      That's all really interesting.
      Except the Christians still think Jesus and his last supper was a Seder.
      Christianity picks and chooses a lot of things from the old Hebrew traditions, rituals and fables.

    • @PurpleHippy247
      @PurpleHippy247 3 месяца назад

      ​@BeautiFuFu want to coy your reply but can't. We'll said